Monday 12 March 2012

The 1st Quarter

...This year has started off badly...Still single, screw all work, still in Ireland, lost a friend, the list goes on and on...

There has been a few good things...Got to meet an awesome friend(finally), got suddenly better at tattooing almost overnight and my lyrical ability has gotten much better thanks to Finbar.

My little project of doing a sketch a day kinda finished around the middle of February, but that's kinda a good thing...I would have ended up drawing double or similars eventually

I have started work on a script with a working title of [Project: Middle Finger]...It's a 10 episode web series, each episode with a 10 minute duration...I'm torn between 2 different stories - 1 - A revenge story which is basically mindless, so it's very easy to do - And 2 - Is a bit more calculated as a search and rescue story, so this makes it a bit more of a challenge...Everything in the series is more or less the same, but I will need to pick the story to follow before I start on the dialogue...Key scenes play out the same, is what I mean, with a few minor changes depending on what story is picked.

As of last week I also began work on a rap EP titled [Insomniac]...It'll be a 6 track EP with most of the songs written by me and all performed by me...I have a rough album artwork made up, as can be seen below. Not the final design. It's just something that I want to do before I die, so I figure do it while I'm young.

In the line of my career, I am going drawing up an art book with a hundred pages of various styles of artwork, but all with a connection to tattoos...Hopefully I can get an apprenticeship this way if I decide to sell the books to tattoo shops. This is the one that will have the most work put in because it's more important than the other 2. It will all be done from my own pocket too soooo that will slow things down considerably haha.

Physically, I have recently decided to get in shape. A month ago I weighed about 10.5 stone (about 147lbs), now however I weigh about 11.78 stone (165lbs), at least 85% of the gain is muscle. My metabolism is almost skyrocketed from last year (damn bitch). Swimming, weight lifting and a butt load of running...Everyday without fail...Still not at my fittest yet...That was last June...Damn cookies are my Achilles heel.

Right now I have "Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back" playing through the MMD...The original trilogy is the best..Obviously...I'm seriously doing nothing with my life haha I'll never find myself a gf in this butthole of a town...Must once again look outside the county.

EEEEHHHHHHH yeah...There's nothing left for me to say, so guess I'll come up with updates in a week or two. Good luck cha hahaha

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