Monday 19 March 2012


As I’ve always said: It’s important to raise awareness about certain diseases. Sometimes, people can’t raise support on their own and sometimes they raise just a little too much. I’m talking, or course, about Enormous Penis Syndrome.

EPS, also known as “Elephant’s Disease,” or “Phallumegaly,” is reported over 150 million times a year. Nearly 90% of men have aggressively come forward to claim affliction. If enough money isn’t raised, these people will have to live slightly different, possibly better lives, for the rest of their days.

In association with the Irish Medical Council, I am proud to host the first annual 10K Fun Run to benefit Enormous Penis Syndrome (EPS), thanks in large part to me. Registration on the day of the event begins at 8AM sharp, but pre-ejacu– I mean, pre-registration, is encouraged.

Any and all contributions are helpful, no matter how girthy or how small.


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