Wednesday 21 March 2012

One of the many plays I have witnessed that had me in stitches...It's a play a friend used on a woman in Galway(unsuccessfully). He got the idea after I bought him a book called "The Playbook".

"The Playbook" is a piece of literature based on the hit show "How I Met Your Mother" and written by one of it's main characters, Barney Stinson.

It is a compilation of different plays that supposedly work on women but really dont :P...They are purely for entertainment purposes only and this ejit tried out "The Terminator"


Success rate 60%

Attracts Girls who like bad boys

Requirments Dry Ice

Prep time Less than a minute

Bummers Have to be relatively in shape
Being nude in front of dudes
High arrest rate


1. In the middle of a bar or party crouch down and activate yourdry ice.

2. Quickly strip down to the buff.

3. As the ice clears, slowly rise up and walk determinedly towardyour target and say, “I have been             sent from the future to protectyou.”

4. Have sex with her.

He didnt have the dry ice, instead he walked out of the mens bathroom in the nip...It was the funniest thing I had ever seen and probably ever will see

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