Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Big 200

200: my middle name is: Morgan
199: i was born in: Clonmel
198: i am really: Insane
197: my cellphone company is: o2
196: my eye color is: Blue
195: my shoe size is: 10
194: my ring size is: I have no idea!
193: my height is: I must be 5'9
192: i am allergic to: Nothing
191: my 1st car was: An Audi TT...We are talkin about Need for Speed, right?
190: my 1st job was: Day porter in a hotel
189: last book you read: A Clash of Kings
188: my bed is: Lovely and warm
187: my pet: Im not allowed to have pets in my flat:(
186: my best friend: Is a retard haha nah he's grand
185: my favorite shampoo is: Head and Shoulders
184: aim name: My what now?
183: piggy banks are: Useless
182: in my pockets: My wallet and monies
181: on my calendar: I dont have it hangin up
180: marriage is: Important, hope it works out for me
179: spongebob can: Flip the best Crabby Patties
178: my mom: Awesomes
177: the last three cd's i bought were? I have no idea when the last time I even bought a CD was!
176: last youtube video watched: 
175: how many cousins do you have? I dunno 10? Couldnt be arsed countin haha
174: do you have any siblings? 3 lil bros
173: are your parents divorced? Not divorced but legally separated
172: are you taller than your mom? Yes
171: do you play an instrument? Used to, yup
170: what did you do yesterday? Absolutely, nothin haha

[ i believe in ]
169: love at first sight: No
168: luck: Yes
167: fate: Yes
166: yourself: Sometimes
165: aliens: Yes
164: heaven: Kinda
163: hell: Same as above
162: god: No
161: horoscopes: No
160: soul mates: Maybe
159: ghosts: Hmmmmmm I dunno
158: gay marriage: Ya why shouldn't gay people be aloud marry?
157: war: Yeah i do cos it exists...Wish it didnt though 
156: orbs: Like balls? What?
155: magic: No

[ this or that ]
154: hugs or kisses: Hugs 
153: drunk or high: I don't do drugs so drunk
152: phone or online: Online
151: red heads or black haired: Black Haired!
150: blondes or brunettes: Brunettes
149: hot or cold: In the middle, warm
148: summer or winter: Winter
147: autumn or spring: Spring
146: chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
145: night or day: Night
144: oranges or apples: Apples
143: curly or straight hair: Straight
142: mcdonalds or burger king: Burger King
141: white chocolate or milk chocolate: Milk
140: mac or pc: PC
139: flip flops or high heals: Flip Flops
138: ugly and rich or sexy and poor: Sexy and Poor
137: coke or pepsi: Coke
136: hillary or obama: Obama!
135: burried or cremated: Burried
134: singing or dancing: Singing
133: coach or chanel: What??
132: kat mcphee or taylor hicks: Who now?
131: small town or big city: Small City haha
130: wal-mart or target: Target
129: ben stiller or adam sandler: Adam Sandler
128: manicure or pedicure: Manicure
127: east coast or west coast: West Coast...Galway:D
126: your birthday or christmas: Christmas
125: chocolate or flowers: Chocolate cause I'm allergic to flowers!
124: disney or six flags: Disney
123: yankees or red sox: Yankees...What are the chances of the Sox winning the world series

[ here's what i think about ]
122: war: Ridiculous...Im a bit of a hippy haha
121: george bush: Reetard
120: gay marriage: All for it!
119: the presidential election: Meh
118: abortion: I'm pro choice, but I wouldnt recommend it
117: myspace: I should delete my account
116: reality tv: Hate it
115: parents: I love mine!
114: back stabbers: Assholes
113: ebay: Awesome
112: sex: Sometimes fun but overrated
111: work: Wish mine was full time
110: my neighbors: Well the guy who lives above me is a dick
109: gas prices: Crazy
108: designer clothes: DCs are the only brand I really like
107: college: Wish I went:(
106: sports: Love most bar soccer
105: my family: Awesomes
104: the future: Try not to think about it

[ last time i ]
103: hugged someone: Friday...And I want another
102: last time you ate: An hour ago
101: saw someone i haven't seen in awhile: Monday
100: cried in front of someone: Can't remember
99: went to a movie theater: A year ago...Need to arrange a trip soon
98: took a vacation: Last year...Love ballybunion
97: swam in a pool: Few weeks ago
96: changed a diaper: Years ago
95: got my nails done: Never
94: went to a wedding: My aunts about 6 years ago
93: broke a bone: Never
92: got a peircing: 2009
91: broke the law: Today
90: texted: Bout an hour ago

[ misc ]
89: who makes you laugh the most: Seth MacFarlane
88: something i will really miss when i leave home is: I already left and no one
87: the last movie i saw: Insidious
86: the thing that i'm looking forward to the most: I dunno
85: the thing im not looking forward to: Designin for work tomorrow
84: people call me: Micheál or Mole
83: the most difficult thing to do is: Get up in the morning!
82: i have gotten a speeding ticket: Nope

81: my zodiac sign is: Leo
80: the first person i talked to today was: My mam
79: first time you had a crush: 13 years ago
78: the one person who i can't hide things from: Nobody
77: last time someone said something you were thinking: Dunno
76: right now i am talking to: Myself
75: what are you going to do when you grow up: I am grown up and Im a tattoo artist
74: i have/will get a job: Hopefully I can make it a full time one
73: tomorrow: Thursday
72: today: Wednesday
71: next summer: Better be a good one!
70: next weekend: Will be boring...Like the rest of my life:(
69: i have these pets: None
68: the worst sound in the world: Is my neighbour havin sex
67: the person that makes me cry the most is: Not telling
66: people that make you happy: Sinéad, Marcus, Lisa, and my Family
65: last time i cried: 3 weeks ago
64: my friends are: Awesomes
63: my computer is: A piece of shit...I need a new one
62: my school: Is gay
61: my car: Non existent
60: i lose all respect for people who: Whores
59: the movie i cried at was: Aaaammmm cant remember
58: your hair color is: Dark brown
57: tv shows you watch: The Vampire Diaries, 2 and a half men, How I Met Your Mother and a few others
56: favorite web site: Dont really have a favourite
55: your dream vacation: Bora Bora
54: the worst pain i was ever in was: Probably a kick in the balls...Heartbreak isnt worth mentionin
53: how do you like your steak cooked: Medium rare
52: my room is: Tidy!
51: my favorite celebrity is: Dont really have 1
50: where would you like to be: With a certain person
49: do you want children: Yes
48: ever been in love: Yes
47: whos your best friend: I cant pick just 1
46: more guy friends or girl friends: Guys
45: one thing that makes you feel great is: Sunny Weather
44: one person that you wish you could see right now: Sinéad
43: do you have a 5 year plan: Nope
42: have you made a list of things to do before you die: Yup a few things
41: have you pre-named your children: No but I do have some names I like
40: last person i got mad at: A friends bf...Fuckin bastard
39: i would like to move to: Out of the country
38: i wish i was a professional: Tattoo artist

[ my favorites ]
37: candy: Fruit Pastilles
36: vehicle: Me legs
35: president: Haha
34: state visited: Galway
33: cellphone provider: At and T...Oh no wait o2
32: athlete: The Rock haha
31: actor: Dont really have a favourite
30: actress: Dont really have a favourite
29: singer: Right now..Drake or B.o.B
28: band: Good Charlotte or Godsmack
27: clothing store: Dunnes
26: grocery store: Dunnes
25: tv show: All the ones I names above!
24: movie: LOTR
23: website: Dont have one
22: animal: Penguins
21: theme park: Whatever one has the saw ride
20: holiday: Portugal
19: sport to watch: UFC
18: sport to play: Pitch and Putt
17: magazine: Skin Deep
16: book: Level 26 series
15: day of the week: Wednesday
14: beach: Tramore or Lahinch
13: concert attended: ACDC
12: thing to cook: Chicken Fajitas
11: food: Chicken
10: restaurant: Subway
9: radio station: The funny one on GTA
8: yankee candle scent: Cherry
7: perfum: Lets say deoterant and Lynx
6: flower: Poeny or Chrysanthemum
5: color: Green
4: talk show host: Aaahhhh I dunno
3: comedian: Dara O Briain
2: dog breed: German Shepherd
1: are you ready for this survey to be over? Ohh god yes!


  1. I think the answer to 51 is Ryan Reynolds and the answer to 21 you're looking for is Thorpe Park :P

    1. Nah he's just a fantasy:P...Really? I thought the saw ride was in the states
