Wednesday 16 May 2012

Pokemon Questionnaire

  1. Your First Pokemon Game: Blue
  2. Your Favorite Pokemon: Mighthyena
  3. A Pokemon that is underrated: Psyduck
  4. Your Favorite Item: Rare Candy
  5. Character you feel you are most like (or wish you were): Mewtwo:P..Well he was a character in the first movie
  6. Most annoying character: That douche rival trainer in the gold and silver games
  7. Favorite couple: Ash and Misty
  8. Best soundtrack: Gold and Silver
  9. Saddest scene: When Ash is turned to stone in the movie:(
  10. Best game surroundings : Gold and silver...I love them games...So much so that I bought Heart Gold and I wanna get Soul Silver...AND I'M 21:O :)
  11. Favorite part of the franchise (games, manga, anime, etc.): The video games..But I love the 1st movie(really??):P
  12. An anime episode everyone should see: It's been years since I watched but I loved the whole lot:)
  13. A Pokemon you’ve used more than five times: Pokemon I always go out of my way to get at the start of a game is Pikachu
  14. Current (or most recent) Pokemon wallpaper: Don't have one
  15. Post your current team from a game of your choice: Well I have 4 of the games and it's been over a year since I played...But I'll go with Heart Gold...All level 80...Charizard, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Houndoom, Lugia and Alakazam
  16. Favorite cut scene: When Charizard fights his clone in the movie
  17. Favorite antagonist: Gary Oak
  18. Favorite protagonist: Red, Blue or Yellow...They're all the same person
  19. Pokemon town/city you wish you lived in: Goldenrod
  20. Favorite region: Johto and Kanto
  21. Game/Arc with the best story: Ammmm the Johto one
  22. A movie which disappointed you: The last one I remember seein was the 4th one I think and that wasn't great
  23. Most interesting Pokemon sprite, in your opinion: Amm Missingno. cos it's sooo fucked up haha
  24. Favorite classic game: Yellow
  25. A Pokemon you plan on using: Aammm I dunno
  26. Best voice acting: 4 kids 
  27. Best battle you’ve had (in-game or Wi-Fi): The fight with Red at the end of the Gold and Silver games
  28. A Pokemon you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving: Hmmmm this is a tough one...Seadra...It's pretty good:)
  29. Your favorite Pokemon game of all time: Gold and Silver and their remakes

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