Friday 11 May 2012

Taking Apart A Tattoo Machine

Okay, so I got bored today after I had the flat cleaned and had my sketch-a-day finished, and I had a few hours to kill before therapy, so I decided to take apart and recalibrate one of the tattoo machines I got yesterday.

After I took the sucker apart it hit me that I could do a blog about it. I decided to put it back and take pictures of the progress.

So here it goes

This is the machine all put together. 

You probably cant see on the machine but I took the contact screw off the front binder...It's infront of the machine

In this one I took off the front binder but that bit is obvious haha

Now it's starting to look a bit bare...I took off the armature bar and machine spring...The bar and spring are both beside the machine...I tried to take the spring and bar apart but the screw was too tight.

In this one the whole machine is taken apart...As you can see all the parts are here and the machine frame is a piece of shit haha

The frame and power coils here...The coil is the double barrel part with the wires...I wish I could have taken this apart, but then I would have really fucked up the machine

Re-screwing the double barrel power coil...The heart and mind of the machine haha

I put the black rubber pads on for this one...I dont think I need to give the reason for these pads but it's to stop shocks..Obviously haha

Screw put back in and the metal contact of the coil is attached

I screwed the rear binder back on(this is really easy)

A shot of the machine before the armature bar was put back on

The armature bar set on top of the machine

The machine after the armature bar was screwed back on

Here's the top of the machine with the rubber pads...Again to avoid shock:P

Screw put back in on this one...The contact has to be fixed into place

Here's the front binder put back on...But I put it on backwards...durr Micheál

My awesomeness realised this and fixed the problem...Man was it a stupid mistake haha

The contact screw put back in place...You turn this to set certain machines to be a liner or a shader...This one however can only be used as a liner I think

The black plastic screw that holds the contact screw in place...And I put the black rubber O-ring and the nipple grommet back on, that's the yellow part 

The machine all put back together and re-calibrated...I couldnt show the calibration cos that would have had to have been done on video.

This was surprisingly easy to take apart and put back together...It took only 25 mins and that was with me stopping to take pictures...But to find out if it works properly, I'm going to have to test it on someone...Lucky for me, I wont be using it cos its such a crappy machine.

It was a great learning experience and I'd love to build my own machine from scratch...I'll do another blog when I have all the parts...Then I'll be one of those artists who has his own special machine :)...Like a real professional :)


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