Tuesday 1 May 2012

Bout fuckin time I finished haha


Full Name: Micheál Morgan Roche
Nicknames: Mole, Ink, Small, Hall Ball, Hally
Birthday: August 8th
Place of birth: Clonmel
Where you live: Tipperary
Brothers name: I have 3, Alex(19), Steven(14), Owen(12)
Sisters name: I has none...Alive anyway...Darian
Mother’s name: Mary
Fathers name: John
Are you the eldest: Yessir
Starsign: Leo
Gender: Male
Studied: Life
College: College of Life:P
Occupation: Officially unemployed...Unofficially Tattoo Artist, Rapper, Entrepreneur 
MSN Name: Micheal
Straight/Gay/BI: Straight
How old were you when you first had Sex? 18


Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Length: Buzz cut
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: I thought I was 5'8 but I dunno
Braces: No
Glasses: Yepper
Piercings: 1 so far, my lip
Tattoos: 19
Righty/Lefty: Depends what I'm doin writin, right...Guitar, left
Birthmarks: 2 but I wont delude myself, they're moles
Body Type: Average
Shoe size: 10
Make-up: Permanent Marker:P


Single/Taken: Single
Who are you with/Who do you wana be with? Ryan Reynolds
How many exes do you have? 4
How many have been sexual? 4
How far have you gone? all the way!
Would you date a younger person? Sure would long as she's legal
Would you date an older person? I have already
Are you the romantic type? I try to be
Would you hook up with the same sex? Eh hello, Ryan Reynlods
Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for? No, she's a horrible person
How many true friends do you have? 4
Who is your best friend? I guess Marcus but I dont like to pick favourites
How old are they? 23
Is your best friend a virgin? He sure acts like he is haha
Have you ever seen them cry? Aaahhhhh no
Who do you trust the most? Sinead
Who knows most about you? Nobody
Whos arms do you feel safest in? My own haha
Do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends? Hmm 1 preferably but it doesnt bother me
Who do you talk to on the phone most? Ahh nobody..I hate phone calls
Do you have a good relationship with your family? Yup yup
Have you been with any of your facebook/bebo friends?  Aahhh yes
Are most of your friends guys/girls? Guys 

How many people are in your top list? 10

Would you kiss anyone on the list? I would

Lets hear about your number one..............................

Their name: My cousin Conor McLafferty
Their age: 21
Do they have a bf/gf? Nope dont think so
Do you know any secrets about them? Haha yeah a few:P
Have they ever cooked for you? He has twice that I can remember haha
Are they older than you? No, 8 months younger
Do you have anytin in common with them? Not anymore no
When was the last time you saw them? April 1st
Are ye related? Yessir he be my cousin
Are ye close? We're like brothere
Do ye have nicknames for each other? I used to call him Con, he used to call me Horse
Do u have pix of dem on ur facebook? Good god no
How often do ye talk in a week? Rarely he's too busy drinkin haha
Could you live with them? Yeah probably
Why are they number one? Cause Facebook says so
Have u seen dem cry? I have, it was weird
How long have u known dem? All his life haha
Have you gone shopping with them? Yes
Have you had a sleep over with them? Yes
If you moved would you miss dem? I do miss the fucker
Have u given dem anytin? Yes
Have u done something stupid/illegal with them? Haha a few times both stupid and illegal :P
Do you no everytin bout dem? Nope
Would you date der sibling? Ew no...I love my cousins and all just not in that way
Do they have you as number one? Sometimes FB is random
Have you ever made something with them? Aahhh not sure
Have ye fought? Course about 13 years ago
Have u gone skinny dipping with dem? Actually yes I have
Are they on drugs? He used to be but not anymore
Do you no der shoe size? No haha
Have you ever worn their clothes? Yeah, years ago
Have they seen u dance? Yes and like me he's got no rythm
Have u heard dem sing? Yup once or twice
Do ye have a special saying? I love you man (no lie:P)
Do u no their bebo password? Haha nope
Do u no their best friend? Yeah Matt
Do they cry alot? Dunno
Have u met any of their exes? Yeah 1...Dont like the spoilled lil bitch...Cute though
Have u been clubbing with dem? Yeah 4 years ago
Have they yelled at u? Course, he's shit at Gears haha
Do u love dem? I love him soooo fuckin much

Now about the top 8

1. Conor McLafferty
2. Shauna Fahey
3. Jade Milburn
4. Sinéad O Brien
5. Marcus Godfrey
6. Alex Roche
7. Jessy Andrejeves
8. Michael Roche

How did you meet #3? Fás course
Would #2 and #5 make a good coupe? No god no, polar opposites
Would you kiss #7? I have done
Do you love #4? Course I do
How did u meet #4? I got off the train and just hopped into her car
Is #5 nice? He's awesome
Is #7 in a relationship? Nope
Have u kissed #1? On the cheek
Who makes u smile? All bar Jess
Who u closest to? 1, 4, 5, 6, 8
Who do u wish to be closer to? Hmm, well I'd like to have been closer to Jade she was cool
Last time u saw #4? Friday
Do u see #3 alot? Nah she moved to Mullingar while I was in Galway
Does #7 love u? Highly doubtful
Describe #4 in 3 words? Amazin, Beautiful, ClinicallyInsane:P
Best time u had with #2? When I tattooed her ass haha
Who is the loudest? ALEX ROCHE
Do u no #6 bday? Course I do July 31
Which ones have u hooked up with? #7 Jess
Do u wana kiss #4? Definitely
Who do u spend the most time with? Marcus
Would u hook up with #5? Who says I haven't already;) haha:P
How old is #1? 21
Who do u tink about the most? Hmm 4 and 5 I guess
Whats your relationship with 6? He's my lil bro:)
Tell us a funny moment between u and #8: Aw there's too many...He's my uncle sure
Tell us about #7? She's a bit of a shlut
Who have you vacationed with?Where? I shall mention Con here...Portugal 
How old is the oldest? Michael Roche #8 he's 40 somethin:P
How old is the youngest? Jess 19
Have u ever been really pissed off at any of them? ALEX...Tried to kill him once
Do u love any of dem? All bar Jess
Why is #1 in that spot? Cause Fb said so
#2 comes over to your house and tells you they love you, your reaction? Shauna, I'm flattered, but we're cousins thats fucked up
All the people in your top 8 are in the one room, whats going on? ORGY haha ew actually no...My uncle is there haha
Which one have u known the longest? Mikey:D


Best Friend: Conor McLafferty
Pet: Dog, Tammy...I really miss her
Concert: AC/DC
Love: Laura 
Surgery: Hernia at 18 months
Piercing: Lip at 19
Award: Not really an award, but I won a chain for drawing a pic in 1st class
Sport: Ugh soccer I'd say
Vacation: Tramore
Crush: Real crush? Bridget
Kiss: Samantha
Do u stil talk to that person? Rarely
Credit card: Top-up Visa
Job: Day porter in Ballykisteen Hotel
Girlfriend: Skaiste

Thing you drank: Tea
Song listened to: B.o.B - Never Let You Go
Time you cried: Aaaammmm last week?
What u do for your last bday? Movie marathon haha
What were u doing at midnight last night? Writing music
Person you hung out with: Finbar yesterday
Person you called: My mammy
Person who called you: A client...Thank god:D
Person you text: Sinéad
Person who text you: Sinéad
Time u recieved flowers: Never
Person you kissed: She knows who she is;)
CD Played: Ahhhhhh lets call this last album...B.o.B - Strange Clouds 
Person you said I love you to: Ugh Nat
Food ate: Tuna sambo :D Nom:P
Time u saw your mum: Sunday
Book you read: Song of Ice and Fire book 2 - A Clash of Kings
What was your last convo about: Music im writing
Time you were drunk: Ahh 3 weeks ago
Date u were on: Friday...Kinda weird
Party u were at: Ah cant remember:P
House u were in: My grannys
Person u danced with: Yvonne Coughlin in Galway in February...I miss u bitch:(
Person u yelled at: Aaahhhhhh I dont remember
Person who told you they loved you: Nat>:(
Person who was in your bed: Hahaha Nobody has been on that bed since I moved in cept me haha
Person who saw you cry: My family in 98
Person who went to the movies with: Yvonne C...I FUCKIN MISS GALWAY
Person you went to town with: Finbar
Movie you watched in the cinema: X-Men First Class...I really need to go again soon:P
Instant msg: Trixie


Movie: Lord of the Rings 
TV Programme: At the moment...How I Met Your Mother
Colour: Green
Rapper: Sinéad...Yo yo yo / My name is Joe haha:P
Male Band: Good Charlotte or Godsmack
Female Band: Paramore or The Pretty Reckless
Male solo artist: Right now, Drake or B.o.B
Female solo artist: Rihanna
Actor: Jason Statham
Actress: Mandy Moore
Song: Good Charlotte - Say Anything
Restaurant: Ehh subway?
Brand: Dunnes:D
Store: Play.com
Subject/Module: Art
Animal: Dog
Book: Level 26 series
Magazine: Tattoo Life or Skin Deep
Scent: Lynx Dark Temptation
Sound: Music 
Food: Chicken
Number: 13
Boys name: Jackson or Micheál
Girls name: Kate or Aiveen
Month: August
Beverage: Coke Zero
Alcholic Drink: Bud
Holiday: Portugal:D
Day: Wednesday
Season: Winter
Memory: Portugal


Hair colour: Dark
Hair length: Short to Long
Age: Within 3 years both ways preferably
Eye Colour: Really like green
Body Type: Doesnt bother me
Cute/Sexy: Cute
Lips/Eyes: Eyes
Hugs/Kisses: Hugs
Tall/Short: Shorter than me at least
Outgoing/Shy: Doesnt matter
Easygoing/Serious: Easygoing
Romantic/Spontaneous: Both
Sensitive/Loud: Not sure
Hook-Up/Relationship: Relationship
Sweet/Caring: Both
Trouble Maker/ Hesitant One: It's possible to be both
Boxers/Briefs: I'd rather she wear briefs than boxers
Where would you go on a date: I'd love to bring someone abroad on a private jet but im not that rich yet haha
What is the one thing you notice about the opp sex?Eyes :)


1.) How old were you?: 16
2.) Where did you go to school?: The Abbey CBS
3) Where did you work? Ahhh Ballykisteen
4.) Where did you live?: In tipp sadly
5.) Where did you hang out?: Everywhere
6.) Did you wear glasses?: No
7) Who was your best friend(s): Finbar, Adrian, Yvonne
8.) How many tattoos did you have? 1
9.) How many piercings did you have? None
10.) What car did you drive? none
11.) Had you been to a real party?: no
12.) Had You had your heart broken?: no
13.)Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?: Single


1.) How old were you?: 20
2.) Where did you go to school? Finished in '08
3.) Where did you work?: Freelance Tattoo designer
4.) Where did you live?: Galway
5.) Where did you hang out?: All over
6.) Did you wear glasses?: no
7.) Who were your best friend(s)?: Marcus, Finbar, Yvonne
9.) How many tattoos did you have.? 18
10.) How many piercings did you have?: 1
11) What car did you drive?: none
12) Had your heart broken?: Yes
13. Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?: Officially single on May 3 thank god


Have you made a new friend? Not yet
Fallen outta love? Nope
Laughed until you cried? Not yet
Met someone who changed your life? No
Found out who your true friends were? Already know
Is there something you want to tell someone? Yes
Have you kissed someone on your top friends list? Nope
What website have you visited most? My hotmail
Been to school/college/work? None
Coloured something? Of course
Been drunk? Nope and I wont either
Had sex? Nope and wont either
Gotten close to someone? Nope


What day is it? Wednesday
Where are you? In my sitting room 
What can you see out the window? Nothing the curtains are closed
What ya doing? This

Are you lonely/tired? Only Lonely
How u feeling? Wired damn Coke
Talking to anyone online?who? Nobody
Currently Eating: Nothin
Currently Drinking: Coke Zero
Currently Typing: This
Currently online? Obviously
Listening to: My Name Is Earl and B.o.B
Thinking about: Music
Wanting to: Work on the music...This is the time every night I do it
Are you stressed out? No
Name someting you would love to eat right now: A big bag of MEANIES!!!
Get any compliments today? Nope:(:P
Are u happy? Yes
Are u moody? Nah
Where are ur family? In bed!
3 things you did today? Well this, this and this..The day started 2 hours ago
What time did u wake up? 11
What is beside u? Nobody:( 
Have u speaked to someone u liked today?: Yup
Did u buy something? Nope not yet
Get sick? No
Sing? Does rap count haha
Talked to an ex? No, thank god
What colour shirt you wearing? Black and white
Angry with anyone? Nope
What should you be doing? Rapping


Want kids? Definitely
Want to be married? Hope so
Careers in mind? Already Tattooing:D
Where do u want to live? Anywhere but here
What car would u like? Audi R8 Spyder with a Lambo V10 engine
Next vacation: South Africa if I can but I'd settle for Tramore or Lahinch:)


God: No
Devil: No
Miracles: yes
Love at first sight: No
Soulmates: Jury is still out
Ghosts: I'd like to but no

Aliens: Course I do the Universe is endless with millions of star systems
Heaven: Yes but it's a state of mind
Hell: See above
Angels: Ooh I actually dont know..But lately they seem to be contacting me
Kiss on the first date: I have don
More than a kiss? Dont like to...Did it though
Horoscopes: Nah
Yourself: Sometimes
Santa: Yes he is real haha
Same sex marraige: Course I do they deserve to be happy too
Sex before marraige: Yes definitely


Pizza/Pasta: Pizza
Jeans/Dress: Jeans
Rich/Happy: Happy
Shower/Bath: Shower
Gym/Music: Music 
Family/Friends: Friends
Kiss/Hug: Hugs
Drugs/Alcohol: Alcohol
Diamond/Pearl: Diamond


Kissed a stranger: Yup
Had alcohol: Yup
Smoked: Nope
Ran from home: Yup
Broken a bone: Nope
Got an xray: Yup
Been with someone: Yup
Broken someones heart: Yup
Dumped someone: Yup almost exactly a year ago
Cried wen someone died: Yup in Feb
Cried at school: Nope
Danced infront of the mirror: Yes haha
Told a lie: Yup
Tripped on mushrooms: Haha nope
Done ecstacy: Nope I have all my spinal fluid still
Been arrested: Nope, Im good at what I do hahaha
Kissed a picture: Maybe:P
Fallen asleep in work/school: Yup a few times
Held a snake: Yup, fucker bit me
Ran a red light: I ran passed one on foot:P
Suspended from school: Yup
Expelled from school: Nope
Been fired: Nope
Sang karaoke: Not yet
Laughed until someting u were drinkn came out ur nose: Nope
Caught a snowflake on ur tongue: Yes
Kissed in the rain: Not yet
Sang in shower: Of course I have
Been on TV: Yup The 6.01 News haha
Sat on a roof top: Yup used to do it the whole time in Galway
Thought about ur past with regret: I have written a song called My One Regret, but I dont regret anythin
Been pushed into a pool fully clothed: Nope but I jumped in haha
Passed out from pain: Nope
Stayed in hospital overnight: A good few times
Shaved ur head: Yup went completely bald a few times:D
Slept naked: Yes
Blacked out from drink: Actually no
Played pranks on someone: Yes haha
Done an all nighter: Sooo many, I've lost count
Felt like killing someone: Nearly did >:D
Made a bf/gf cry: Yes
Been in a band: Kinda, but it didnt last..He doesnt have that interest in music..Im solo now
Shot a gun: Yup...Oh the power>:D
Played strip poker: Nope
Bungy jumped: Not yet
Donated blood: Not yet
Been to a concert: Yes
Kissed same sex: I'd rather not say:P
Drove a car: Yup
Stole: Yup
Been dumped: Yes...On my fuckin birthday
Been in a fist fight: I've been in a few...Stupid friends abusive bf >:(
Snuck out of your/someones house: Yup
Had feelings for someone who didnt have dem back: Yes
Hugged a stranger: Yes haha
Crushed on your neighbour: Yup
Hopped from school: Used to do it everyday
Slept in a bed with the opposite sex: yup
Lost a friend: Lost 2...R.I.P. Josh and Sarah...I miss ye:(
Been on a plane: Yup
Been to an island: Ireland haha
Slept in until 3: Jesus I have
Played dress up: Aahhh no
Made a snow angel: Yup
Been lonely: I have
Kissed more dan one person in one night: Oh I have
Felt an earthquake: Nope
Got detention: Yup NEVER went
Been in a car accident: Yup
Hated the way u look: Yes
Made yourself puke: No
Crawled through a window: Yes
Been lost: Yes haha
Been to the opposite side of the country: Yup
Cried yourself to sleep: Yes
Made love in the woods: No they're too far away haha:P
Had a dream u married someone: Yes
Glued your hand to something: Glued my hand to my ass on a dare
Got ur tongue stuck to a pole: Nope
Too scared to watch a horror alone: Nope
Been told your hot by a complete stranger: Yup, surprisingly enough
Been easily amused: Haha Yes Yes Yes
Laughed so hard you cried: Yeah
Cheated on a test: Haha yeah but so did the whole class
Forgotten someones name: Yup
Done something stupid drunk: Ugh yes
Gone to the cinema: Yup
Made love to something not human: Ahhh no
Failed a class: Not for the JC or the LC
Choked on something: Yes but not recently
Cheated on a bf/gf: No
Celebrated 4th July: Contrary to popular belief, I'm Irish not American, so no
Cut your own hair: Always cut my own hair
Made a parent cry: Yup
Cried over someone: Yup
Dated someone more than once: Yup
Been very ill: Yup last June
Broken a CD: Yup
Been cheated on: Yeah the sluts, all of em
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nah...It's just a kiss
Been depressed: Yes
Threw up over drink: Yup JD
Camped: Yeah, I dont like it
Been to a nude beach: Nope
Had a stalker: Yes that crazy bastard
Worn your best friends clothes: Nope
Had a haircut: Yes
Bought condoms: Yup, wrap it up!
Streaked: Yes, was soooo funny
Taken a vacation: Yup
Been to NYC: Not yet
Watched porn: Haha yup
Spun until u were so dizzy u couldnt walk: I love to do this
Screamed so much u lost ur voice: Nope
Had a medical emergency: No??
Been onstage: Yup
Cursed at ur parents: All the time
Flashed someone: Yeah:P
Made out: Yup
Been in a police car: I have but I asked for a lift...Coolest garda ever
Had a death experience: personally? Yeah
Been in a sauna: Nope
Been in a hot tub: Yup
Swam in the ocean: Love it
Fell off your chair: Loads of times
Sat by the fone all night waiting for someone to call/text: Yup
Saved msn conversations: Not anymore
Saved emails: Yup


Have low self esteem: No..Cant afford to
Get online alot: All the time haha
Sleep with the room door open/closed: Closed...Too cold opened
Have a curfew: Nope
Have a cell fone: Yup
Like taking pix: Only for work
Like being in pix: Not really
Have your own pool: Not yet:P
Ever wear shirts to show ur belly: I'm a dude so no
What about the cleavage: ALWAYS!!:P
Like picnics: I do:)
Like school: NO
Like filling these out: Meh
Share a room with anyone: Nope
Have your own PC: My Laptop
Have a crazy side: Yeah, of course...Even my sane side is crazy
Speak any other language: Small bit of German and Spanish...Want to learn Japanese


Is the one thing u wish u could change about ur life: More work
Would u do with 1000 spoons: Use my mind to bend them...I wanna watch the Matrix again
Was the biggest dare u have done: Streak
Is your biggest fear: Losing another friend
Is your greatest strength? Aaammmm not sure...Im creative and positive
Is on your dresser: Books
Do you wear on in bed: Boxers
Does your room look like: Tidy
Is the blondest thing you have ever said: I put a banana in a friends tail pipe haha
Did you do yesterday: Worked on music
Is something you do alot: Workout


If u cud pic d temp of the outdoors 4 d rest of the year what would it be? I like chaos, i just wish it was a lil warmer is all
If you could have one super power what would it be? To be able to instantly teleport anywhere at anytime I want
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Definitely :)
Are you allergic to anything? Nope
Is there someone that you consider to be the hottest guy/girl in your College ? Never went to college
If u were 2 eat 1 type of food in the world for the rest of your life what would it be? Chicken haha
Most embarassing CD you own? Five haha
IF you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be? I dunno..Michelle?
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child? Both
Scariest dream? My parents dyin 
Best dream? My Dragon Ball Z ones...They're the best:)
Who makes you smile? My friends and my lil cousin Rachel:)
Are you a good driver? In need for speed I am haha
Where was your FB pic taken?  My flat in Galway
Does the person you like like you back? Hope so
Is there someone you want to be with right now? Yes
Had more than one bf/gf at the one time? No
Have a secret from someone? Yes


Summer is crap

School is for 
for sleeping
Friends are like 
Dogs are for 
Braces are sometimes sexy

All boys are 
nothing compared to me :P
All girls are 
awesome sometimes
American idol is retarded

Spongebob is the best kids show goin

I cant believe 
I'm not gay haha
I like wearing 
Beer is 
a good buzz giver
I'm as fat as a canary:P

I have too many 
video games
I like eating 
chicken teriyaki subs at subway
Sex is 
a bit overrated but I enjoy it
Bebo is a place to 
Surveys are 
gay haha
Skinny Dipping is 
Gays are fun

Family is not as important as 
Before I go to sleep 
i practice my songs
I was really embarrassed when 
I 1st started rapping 
Bush is  to be shaved hahahaha

Boys have big 
egos...well I do anyway
I hate 
Crying is for everyone no matter what
Marraige is 
for ever
Swimming is 
the best in the ocean
I would do anything for 
my friends
I wake up at 
about 11.30
I fear horses, heights and losing friends

I bought a few boxsets in my life time

I drink 
Coke Zero
Mondays are 
I Love 
I Feel tired now

I Hide from horses

I Miss 
a lot of things and a lot of people
I Know 
how to tattoo
I Think I 
go to bed
I Am 
I Have 
I Wish 
I was magic haha
I Dance like an epileptic havin a seizure on crack cocaine with 2 left feet

I Cry sometimes


  1. Your favourite book is Twilight???

    1. Nah there was a few questions I forgot to change/answer...I think everythings fixed now:P

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
